I am usually preparing flights and tickets for a trip to Oakland by now, having worked all year to save the money to go and watch some football.This year the country of Jamaica is getting my money due to the lack of anything resembling football coming from the RAIDERS.
Sunday's game brought back dark memories of the AFC Championship game in 1990, and I mean the scoreline predominantly.That 1990 team was after all a game away from a Superbowl, had gone 12-4 in the regular season and had just lost Bo Jackson to injury.That team also had players on the roster such as Howie Long, Steve Wizniewski, Greg Townsend, Eddie Anderson, Tim Brown, Marcus Allen etc etc.Good players, some great players, football players.I'm not sure if that 51 - 3 drubbing by the Bills back then is the heaviest defeat suffered by a RAIDERS team ever, but it must be up there.If there wasn't a fortunate replay call, negating a fumble return TD for the Giants, the score could have been 51 - 0.I would rather have this team remembered in the context of all time RAIDER low points than some of the ex-players from that 1990 team who wore the Silver and Black with pride.
It's hard to keep coming up with words to describe the state of this present team and organisation.This team would get it's backside kicked by College teams.At the moment we have the worst starting QB in the NFL, we have a further reduced playbook as a consequence, we can't run the ball due to opponents stacking the box and a depleted O-line that wasn't great to start with, atrocious special teams play, and a defense that looks disheartened knowing that whatever they do they will be back out there on the field very soon.
There doesn't seem to be a coherent coaching philosophy on offense and the defense rarely puts pressure on anyone.This is as bad as anything that I can remember, the bed and breakfast offense was better than this wasn't it?
This team has collectively quit, the organisation is a laughing stock, and there is deafening silence from the top.Tom Cable keeps telling us how well practice went during the week.Unfortunately come Sunday we aren't playing ourselves.I was of the opinion that the only game that we can win now is the return match with the Chiefs, I am having my doubts about that one now.
This never ending downward spiral has been ongoing for the best part of a decade, and every time it looks like it can't get any worse, it does.The organisation is in complete meltdown, and something needs to be done, something drastic.I would hope that there are enough ex RAIDERS who still care, and that have the nuts to tell Al some home truths, they need to be people who Davis regards as loyal RAIDERS and they need to make him see sense.We need a Parcells like GM in there to change the course, from the bottom up, it's hard to see Parcells leaving Miami to take on the car crash that is the RAIDERS, but we need someone of that stature first, because no Head Coach worth his salt is going to go to Oakland without the signs of a clear plan.
So Howie, Wiz, Tim, John Madden, Rod Martin, round up a posse that Al can't ignore and help the RAIDERNATION.If he won't listen to you, then we are well and truly ****** until the inevitable hand of time intervenes.This is becoming a sad state of affairs for a man that should be remembered for what he has done for football, unfortunately he will probably be remembered as much for overseeing the decline of the organisation that he built.
I will still be watching the back to back home games in November, but there will be no dodging the seagull shit in an empty Coliseum for me this year.And it feels like a relief. Ya Mon!!
I share your feeling of hopelessness, Leigh Raider.
A full blown intervention by former Raider players and coaches is the only way I see Davis seeing "the light".
Enjoy the beaches and Red Stripe of Jamaica. You hard earned money spent on entertainment should bring you joy not heartache. Cheers. CJ
We'll miss you in Oakland, for sure, but I miss my Raiders even more. I've tried to be stoic, fending off the gibes and ridicule of Niner fans at work, but really? Last week was the worst football I have ever seen in my life, and I've had some pretty bad years with the Cal Bears as a kid in the late 70's...but it looked like a crew sleepwalking out there. The closer we get to Sunday, the more depressed I become. I've been thinking about an intervention too so you're right on the money. I was even thinking, in all seriousness, that Goodell could somehow wrest control of this mess and "relieve" Al of his duties. I will still watch or listen while at work on sundays..can't take the Raiders out of the girl, but I'm just sick. Al will never come to reality on his own. Calling out Raiders past might be the only solution. Tired...just tired...but hey, you have fun in the sun, eh! Cheers, and hopefully you'll be back next season..we'll have a beer unless I'm in your town, and then we'll do it there. Go Raiders fo'ever
CJ you are spot on, hard earned money should bring joy, I intend to enjoy the Red Stripe and everything else that Jamaica has to offer.
Danna we will probably be back next year, surely we will improve!?
I feel for all of you who have to suffer the present plight of our team and have to go into work to face the flak.It must be getting really hard to find a defence these days.
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